Early Learning & Childcare
Where every child is unique
Our Policies & Procedures
Pebbles ELC believes that documenting policies and procedures is a very important task for our Service.
More importantly, policies and procedures reflect our partnership and collaboration with our children, families, educators and the wider community.
Our policies and procedures detail the expectations the service has of all individuals that are involved in the day to day practices of our Service. This includes all Educators, Staff, Management and Families.
They ensure a consistent approach and embedded practice across all operations and practices of our service and help to inform families how the service operates.
Our policies, procedures and philosophy are made accessible to parents, educators and the community via:
Parent handbook
Centre newsletters
QR Code Displays within the Centre
Parent Information meetings
Parent email
Policy folder within Centre reception
Educator Handbook
All Policies will detail:
Links to National Quality Standards
Links to National Law & Regulations
Version History & Control Matrix - Review Dates and amendments made
Sources of information
While it is important to have policies and procedures, it is equally important that the policies are regularly reviewed, and amendments made to cater for changes in legislation and researched best practice, and changes to service procedures that aim to support ongoing quality improvement.
Integrating a policy and procedure review alongside our Quality Improvement Plan and/or Self Assessment supports our commitment to our overall quality practice.
Parents, educators and the community are encouraged to provide feedback on policies/philosophy by:
Completing surveys
Placing suggestion slips in the suggestion box or the space provided on the policy review board
Verbal communication